How To Create Your Business Blogs


Blogging? It always sounds a bit trendy; doesn’t it? Something that an art student might do at uni.

The truth is that business blogging, to you and me, means B2B content marketing, and it’s a guaranteed way to stand out to your clients and candidates.

……….. provided you follow some instructions.

I decided to record this podcast after our weekly call with our Superfast circle. One of the members is an excellent writer and yet, by their own admission, they knew their business writing wasn’t hitting the spot they wanted.

After a conversation, we identified a few areas that were missing….


Business Writing For Work: Artistic For Home

Being frank, I love to read and being a marketing fanatic I read anything and everything. However, when I have a specific challenge or question I want to know precisely what I need to do. No waffle no rambling on. This is where many people make mistakes and why you always need to consider.

  • Am I adding value and ….
  • What is the next logical step for the reader?

Therefore here are some practical suggestions to get you going.

Answer Questions That #Candidates #Clients and  #Talent Might Have

We live in the knowledge age, and the World Wide Web means we can get answers to our questions. Therefore writing a rambling post where you are sharing your point of view isn’t going to help Jane who has just be made redundant and wants help with re-writing her CV.

Candidates, clients and potential talent have problems and challenges; you can do a great job answering them.

Don’t disappear up your own bottom thinking you know best, and that writing about CVs and interview skills are dull…. Might be for you and not to the people who need it.

On this website are over 100 posts about content marketing. I write about it all the time because I know the difference it can make for clients and their brand perception; provided they take action and implement.

Fact: Content writing needs to be a part of your marketing funnel; read more about that here.

Short and Sweet Works (500-800 words)

Every blog post you write doesn’t have to be war and peace. Mix in short posts with long ones and watch what happens.

Use Sub Headlines

Use them. Many people are skimmers and reading your sub-headlines will inform them whether they should read on.

Make Your Writing Practical

The best performing posts are instructional. For example, the title of this one, or;

  • How to nail competency based interview questions.
  • How to write a CV to get that next management role
  • What are the essential skills of a PA

….. you get the picture.


Link Back To Other Useful Content

Your post is:

  1. Designed to help solve a problem
  2. Demonstrate your knowledge

You will notice on our blog/posts that I link back to other useful content that will help the reader and keep people on the website for longer.

[Hint: Creating links like this helps your search engine rankings.]


Sounds boring and being confronted by a wall of text puts people off; especially when they are reading from a mobile.

Make your points stand out with bullets and spacing.

Have A Call To Action

Have a call to action at the end of your post. That might be to pick up the phone and call, download a free report or send you an email. Below is an example of something you could replicate. We talk about a plan document and encourage people to email or book a call with Sharon.

Use An SEO Plugin

People (your candidates and clients) search online using keywords and phrases. If you know what these are add them to your posts. That way when Google comes searching you might appear. If you have a WordPress website, you can use free plugin software like Yoast or the All In  One SEO plugin.

What Next?

Take action and write blog posts that are practical that your market wants to hear. Still struggling with writing ? Then get in contact because we can help. Email here, or call on 01539 898 698.

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