How to Automate Your Marketing: An Interview with Jason Kruger


Denise: Hi there, everyone. This is Denise from Superfast Recruitment. Today is a special podcast and a special webcast too because I decided that I have had so many questions about how do I automate my marketing?  

The best person to talk to is an expert, somebody that works with many of our Superfast Circle clients, actually do some coaching in our own group, and he is the geek when it comes to marketing automation. That particular individual is Jason Kruger. Jason, do you want to come on? Hello. I can see you! 

Jason Kruger: Hi.  

Jason’s Background in Tech and Automation  

Denise: You’ve got all the tech gear there as well! Jason, we talk about automation all the time here because you do all that for different campaigns, but there’s a lot more to you than that. I’ve got a number of questions here that people have asked me to ask you in some of our groups, which we’ll start in a second, but can you just — people will recognize that accent slightly different. Tell us a little bit about you, your background, and how you‘ve come to do what you’re doing today. 

Jason: Yes, the accent is different. I’m originally from South Africa, actually moved here to the UK in, I think, it was August ’98 with my immediate family. My dad worked for a multinational company, and we moved to the UK. I did most of my senior schooling here in the UK and went to Nottingham University, where I read a degree in computer science. 

After that, I went and got into IT. I’ve always been into tech; when I was younger, I was into the Tech Lego and all that type of thing. After my degree, got into IT and after a number of years, moved up to an IT manager, but then, unfortunately, was made redundant in 2013, I think it was. But luckily, four years previous to that, I got into the online marketing fieldwith my dad. He took me to my first online marketing conference. Since then, I really got hooked. Before that, I was already building websites, but it was more the normal coding and HTML. 

Learning through online marketing, I got introduced more to WordPress and started building websites and that for clients. As my dad was getting deeper into the online marketing world, the need for the landing pages and the tech and all that, it was something that he struggled with and didn’t really know much about.  

So I was always his technical person, setting all of that up for him. I was doing this part-time from 2009 to 2013 when I was made redundant. Then I had the opportunity to actually go out and do this full-time. 

At the time, my wife gave me six months, or actually, she wasn’t my wife at the time. We were getting married and two months after I got made redundant. There’s a lot of stress at that time. She gave me six months to make a go of it, and I’m still here, so I must be doing something right. 

Denise: The push of a good woman, isn’t it? 

Jason: Definitely, and an ultimatum! Since then, I’ve been doing this full-time, helping clients, from websites, membership sites, building landing pages, connecting CRM systems, all those types of things, and really helping with the technical side of the online marketing for clients. 

Denise: Good. For some of you watching this or listening to it, if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of an email or a webinar invite, it’s Jason, that makes all that magic happen. I thought I’d just mentioned that as well. I’ve got lots of questions here. 

What Should People Think About When it Comes to Automating Their Marketing? 

If I start with the first one, and that is what should people think about when it comes to automating their marketing, Jason?  

Obviously, for the guys listening to this, they’re going to be recruitment business owners across the world, some of them might have lots of candidates, but they need more clients and others vice versa. What are the things that they need to be thinking about when it comes to automation? 

Jason: I think when you first look at automation, there’s quite a lot of different things that you can automate. Your nurture sequences, lead generation, but I think when you start looking at automation and the things that you might want to do with it, there are other things that you probably need to consider first, and that’s to do with GDPR. It’s the buzzword in online marketing at the moment because some people are doing it correctly, some people are toeing the line a little bit. With it, there are always different interpretations of what you need to do. 

I think when it comes to doing your automation, you need to look at those types of things as well because when you start doing stuff online, you need to start with your privacy policies and how you’re actually going to collect that information and what information you’re going to start collecting. Especially in the recruitment industry, if you’re doing candidates and clients, you’re going to be asking for slightly different information at various points.  

I think you need to really start looking at that part before you even start creating any automation because you need to get that right first; otherwise, you can get found out later on.  

It all gets integrated within the online marketing side of things and the automation side of things. It all integrates anyway, but it’s good to think of that first and then move forward from there with candidates, what is it that you’re looking to automate there? Is it just the CV side of things or is it to actually give them information to help them with their CV et cetera. 

Then the same thing on the client-side is what information could you potentially offer them to help them with their business, and hopefully, then they become clients for you as well. 

Denise: Absolutely. I guess really, there are multiple things that you can automate, isn’t there, when it comes to your candidates and your clients. 

Jason: Yes. Automation, it doesn’t necessarily mean just your marketing side of things. It can also be your back office things that you might be doing as well. If there’s a set process that you have, you could potentially automate that as well to make sure that you’re going through that same process every time. Onboarding as well; if you’re onboarding a candidate, again, you probably have your set process that you would use for all your candidates. Things like that could be automated as well to make sure that you’re collecting the right information, you’re sending them the right information as well. That goes for the client-side as well, onboarding new clients there. 

Denise: I think that’s something that sometimes people miss out on. They don’t appreciate that they could, when someone uploads a CV, there could be an automation sequence, maybe of a series of emails, that then would help that individual know what the next steps are, what to do. That could actually save so many phone calls. 

Jason: Exactly. We’re all busy. If you get a CV in and you’re doing it as a manual process, at what point do you actually send them a welcome email saying, “Thanks for your CV,” et cetera? Are you sending it straight away or when you can remember two or three days later. If it’s all automated, it’s sent at the right time, and it makes you look good as well. 

Where is a Good Starting Point When it Comes to Automation? 

Denise: Absolutely. Thinking about that, where do you think it is a good starting point for automation? Obviously, we’ve just touched on a little bit now when it comes to maybe automating when someone’s uploaded their CV, do they get some nice rapport building emails after that? What else do you think we need to consider, Jason? 

Jason: The two main ones that I would consider is lead generation and nurture sequences. Because a lot of people do lead generation, but then they don’t do the nurture sequence.  

And if they are doing lead generation, they’re only doing it halfheartedly really. What I mean by that is you can automate your lead generation, but there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done. 

With lead generation, you’ll be using a landing page connected to an autoresponder, but it’s not just setting those parts up. Once you’ve got your e-book report that you want to give out to your candidates, you have to have the marketing on the front end as well. It’s not one of those things where you just set up and forget because people are not going to know about it.  

It is making sure that you’re then driving traffic to it, mentioning it in Facebook groups, LinkedIn, all those places, to get people to those landing pages. Then, the same thing with nurture sequences. 

Denise: Can I pause you just there, because there’s going to be some people listening to this. They’re going to know what an autoresponder is and some people may or may not. There’ll be others that not necessarily know what a landing page is. Can you just explain? I remember when I first started doing this 15 years ago, I thought what is an autoresponder? 

If you could explain that to people, I think that’d be good. 

Jason: A landing page is typically a page on your – it could be on your website, but it’s a page that actually has one goal. That is to get a person’s contact information, get them to buy; those are types of things of landing pages. You have one goal on that page. Typically a landing page will just have the information for that one purpose. You’re not going to have your navigation of your website because that’s a distraction. Which then means that if someone is directed to that page, and you have those types of distractions, they might not even read that landing page. 

They might say, “oh, there’s something else on the navigation,” that they’ll click on, and then they get taken away from that page. A landing page just has that one focus, all it has is information for that e-book, that offer and has that one call to action on there. 

Now, an autoresponder is a system that will send out your automated email. When someone subscribes to a newsletter or e-book, that’s the system that will capture their information and then send out the emails that you’ve set up. 

Denise: Sometimes, people call them opt-in pages as well. Back in the day, the old school people used to call them squeeze pages; they would call them squeeze pages. You would squeeze them into an action they won’t allow us to do there. 

Jason: There are different names. It’s squeeze pages, opt-in pages, landing pages, and then your sales pages as well if you’re getting them to buy something from you. That can have quite a wide-ranging action for them to take. Basically, it is one action that you want them to take. 

Denise: We’ll probably come onto a bit about tech as well, but I think one of the things for anyone considering using an autoresponder, as Jason says is, there’s a clue in the title.  

You want to be able to automate the emails that are sent out. I think one of the things that with a lot of recruitment software, and I was chatting to somebody this morning about it, is that whatever software you choose, make sure that you can automate the emails. 

Otherwise, you’re not going to remember, “Oh, I need to send out this email. Oh, I need to send out that email.” It’s done in a sequence that makes sense. I think that’s important too. 

Why Lead Magnets and Reports are Essential When it Comes to Automation  

We’ve talked about landing pages, we’ve talked about autoresponders. Is there anything else people need to consider in the way that this all works together? You talked about lead magnets, do you want to talk a little bit more about that and reports? 

Jason: A lead magnet could be a number of different things. It can be a PDF, an e-book. It could be an mp3, it could even be a video, but what they all have in common is, they’re solving a pain that your potential candidates or client has.  

That’s what the focus of that lead magnet should be. It should be there to solve one of those pain points. If you can do that, that’s when you can move forward with a more potential client relationship. 

You need to be able to show that you can actually solve the pains that they’re experiencing and that’s what a lead magnet should be all about. It’s solving that pain, and like I said, you can do it in a variety of different ways. What is common is a PDF. I’ve seen little video courses, if that’s what you think is going to be the best way to deliver that message or that solution. 

Denise: Just to add in a little bit here that we found is that, over time doing this for many, many years, the sorts of things that work really well is just the simple PDF because it’s a low barrier to entry. It’s not like you’re asking someone who’s never ever heard of you to watch an hour-long webinar live or whatever that might be but being able to download a checklist or a PDF seems to work incredibly well when it comes to trying to decide what to do.  

And it’s pretty easy to do – to put a report together. Obviously, you know in our Superfast Circle, we create reports for all our members that they can use. 

That helps that part of it, but I think it’s all around value-based marketing, which is massive at the moment, particularly with everything that’s happening. We’re recording this in one of the strangest years we’ve probably ever had since maybe 2008, and people are looking for value, they’re looking for help. If you can reach out and do that in an automated way, it just makes things so much easier. I’ve got quite a few other questions here.  

Jason: Yes, not a problem at all. 

What Tech Do People Need to Consider and Why? 

Denise: Maybe if we talk more about the technology and obviously, you’ve worked with a number of recruitment companies, both with ourselves and obviously your own clients, Jason. What’s the tech that people really need to think about? Any suggestions on what works really well? 

Jason: Yes. When you’re looking at doing this kind of marketing automation, especially lead generation, there’s two bits of software that I recommend.  

That’s having a landing page builder. The reason I say to get a piece of software like this is you can do it on your website, but what I found is you can be limited by the theme and the plugins and all that that you have on your website.  

You could end up spending a lot of time trying to make a proper landing page on your website. Then, that still doesn’t work because you still have your navigation and things like that. It can cause a lot of headaches. 

I opt to go for a separate landing page software. Now, there are a number of different ones out there. There’s Leadpages, which is one that I do recommend. There’s ClickFunnels which builds the landing pages, but it’s what they call a funnel builder, it has the multiple different pages that you might have in a sales funnel, but that’s something a little bit more advanced. Convertri is another one. There’s plenty of others but what they all have in common is that they do have templates that you can use and base your landing page on if you want to go and make sure it’s on-brand. 

They give you these templates that you can start with, and it does speed the process up a lot more to get these pages done. They have the integrations with loads of other software, CRM systems, autoresponders and things like that, so that’s one that I recommend.  

When it comes to the autoresponder, the one that I recommend is ActiveCampaign. There are others out there, AWeber, Mailchimp, and Infusionsoft but again, they have different versions of them now, but they can still be quite complicated for people that are just starting out and expensive as well. 

The one that I recommend is ActiveCampaign. The reason for that is I like the interface. It’s simple to see what’s going on and it also has CRM-like features as well, so you can store more data against the contact. You can basically trace what they’re interested in. Then, you can serve more of that as well. It’s just as easy to use. 

Denise: Yes. I know that depending on when people listen or watch this, was it this week that ActiveCampaign had just announced a new addition to their service about landing pages? Do you want to say something about that? 

Jason: They announced it. I think it was within the last few days. It’s still in beta and what’s happening now is if you’ve had ActiveCampaign before, yesterday or the day before, you will have this functionality, it might not be in your account just yet as they’re rolling this out and, as I say, it’s still in beta.  

It’s something that I haven’t had a chance to look at yet, but I will be looking at that in the next few days and do a video on that as well to see what it’s all about. With a lot of these systems where they’re trying to bolt on more into their systems and some of them do it okay, some of them don’t do it that well. 

I’m still yet to find one that does everything brilliantly. Unfortunately, what tends to happen is they’ve already got one slice of the pie, and they want more. They’re adding all these extra features onto it, and sometimes it just doesn’t quite work the way dedicated systems work. They’re good at email marketing and all that, and in my view, that’s what they should stick with because that’s what they’re good at. 

When they start adding on these extra services, sometimes I think people get excited about it, but then when they go to actually use them, they find out that it’s not as easy as it seems. But I will find out and hopefully be surprised on how they do it. I’ll find that out in the next few days. 

Do it Yourself Versus Done For You? 

Denise: I must admit I’ve been using Leadpages since I think probably 2013, 2014. I’ve been using it since it first came out and it’s a great piece of software. It’s like a monthly fee, and they do have some good instructional videos, and it has all these special integrations. I know when I first started in marketing, working with the companies that we work with, I was fascinated thinking about why are all these different bits of software, and none of them are connected. I think it’s just AI is moving so fast, and software development is moving so fast. 

I think particularly for SMEs, that really it’s a case of it is what it is at the moment. There’s lots of different pieces of software. However, what it means is that as a smaller business, you can compete because you don’t have to have a coder on site. You can outsource a lot of activities around this. I’ll talk about what Jason does later on, but you can get all that handled for you, which I think is amazing in today’s environment what you can do. 

Smaller companies can’t really suddenly just throw away a couple of million on a light in Piccadilly Square or whatever that name on it. It’s not the same. It’s a more direct marketing style which is obviously how this works. The other thing, Jason is obviously a lot of people say about, “I want to outsource everything.” In marketing speak, there’s the Done For You services and your Do It Yourself. Can you just explain how they work together and what, as a general experience, you think is the best options and routes to go down? 

Jason: The do it yourself model, I understand why people go down that route because sometimes they just don’t have the capital to invest in other people doing it for them. But also they need to – or they might want to learn some of the processes themselves before outsourcing.  

I haven’t got a problem with any of that. The issue comes when you spend weeks and months on trying to get something which in relative terms is a simple process. It takes you that long to get it up and running that you just don’t do it and you put it on the back burner, and then it never gets done. I’ve actually had a few clients like that where they’ve done it, try to do it themselves and it’s been months down the line, and they’re still on the starting blocks. 

Like I said, I don’t have a problem with people trying it themselves as long as they are making progress. Unfortunately, some people get stuck at one point, and then they never move from that point. They might have to spend a bit of money to get someone in to do it, but how much has it cost them trying to do it all themselves rather than get someone else? If they didn’t have to do it themselves, they’ve got someone else and how much money could they have made doing the stuff that they actually good at. It’s always that chicken and egg scenario with this. 

Denise: I know it is an interesting one because obviously, we have clients and you teach them how to do things, or they’ve got a marketeer, and you’re teaching their marketeer how to do the bits and pieces really of automation.  

I think you’ve raised a good point there that we’ll always say to people, look, it is good to understand how this works, first of all. We’re not saying do it yourself, but you need to understand the process, you need to understand, “this is my outcome. I will actually need to have a landing page, or I’ll need to write a campaign for this.”  

Once you get a handle on it, then absolutely I would say when it comes to things like setting up an automated funnel, then outsource it because I think for many of you may be listening to this or watching it later, your skills may be in the fact that you are a super-duper biller as well as everything else you’re doing in the business or managing your team. 

Do you really want to be sitting at night trying to work out, how does this bit of the software connect? Because you and I have had this conversation as well that Jason could do something for us and it would probably take Jason a couple of hours. Because I have got some technical bent, it might take me two or three days to do it.  

In those two or three days, I could be writing an email campaign. I could be coaching somebody. That is my zone of genius rather than checking out which piece of software goes to which other pieces of software. Again, I think there’s a massive fear. People start doing something, and then they panic. You’re not really going to break anything. 

Jason: No. I think there is that fear when people look at new software that they’re going to break something and then it’s done and they’re not going to be able to use it again. Nowadays, with software, nothing is ever completely broken, but sometimes you do need to have a go yourself to learn how the system works. 

Denise: Even just to know that this is going to take me a long time. I’m not quite sure– It’s letting your ego go. I think a lot of people love to be in control. This is one thing you don’t need to be in control of. 

You do not need to be in control of this. You can get someone else to do it. As I said, Jason does all of our campaigns; I write them all and then Jason knows, “this email needs to go out on day one. This needs to go on day three,” because of the way that the system might work. 

Is there anything else you think we might not have covered, Jason? I’m going to get you to talk a little bit about how people get in contact with you but is there anything else that you think I’ve not covered that I need to cover maybe here, any questions to ask you? 

Active Campaign Versus MailChimp  

Jason: I know that there were a few questions that you don’t ask your audience about, and one of them was regarding the autoresponder software. Something like MailChimp and ActiveCampaign and what the differences might have been between the two. Now, MailChimp is probably one of the very first email autoresponders out there. It was them, and I think AWeber were also right at the beginning. 

When they were developed, the email sequences at that time were simple. It will send one email, send another email in two days’ time, send another one three days time, and so on. But now, everything’s about automation.  

Something like ActiveCampaign has been built from the ground up with all of this in mind. They interface it, and that is just simple to use. It’s easy to see.  

Now, MailChimp, I’m not sure about AWeber, but I know MailChimp has really tried to catch up on that side of things. They do have marketing automation, and yes, it does work, and I have seen it. But to me, the interface is still so clunky. You do have a free MailChimp plan but what they fail to mention is that you don’t get any automation with that. You can send one email. If someone signs up to a list, you can then send them a welcome email, but that’s as far as it goes. You then need to pay for an account. When it comes to actually creating the automations, the interface I find not very intuitive and you can’t see the bigger picture. 

The reason why I don’t really recommend MailChimp anymore even if you’re starting out, I would spend a little bit of money and actually start with ActiveCampaign. Now ActiveCampaign I think on a monthly basis is something like $15 a month, which is not a huge amount of money, but what you get for it is huge. The interface is clean; you can see the automations clearly on how things are going to work. 

It’s a very visual system, and that’s why I would always recommend ActiveCampaign over MailChimpMailChimp was great, and many people still use MailChimp. I don’t hold that against them, but when it comes to wanting to do more stuff with it, that’s when I find it breaks down. 

A few weeks ago, I was showing someone how to connect MailChimp up to Leadpages, for instance. Now, on a free account, the way that MailChimp works is that they give you audiences. Now on the free account, you get one audience, on the first payment level you get three audiences. Now let’s say you’ve got three or four e-books that you want to put out on landing pages. Now if you had four, you wouldn’t be able to actually do that within MailChimp, because the way the integration works between Leadpages and MailChimp is that it connects to an audience. 

It means that if you have one audience on a free account, you could only have one freebie to hand out. Whereas with ActiveCampaign, you can connect as many as you like, and that was something I found out recently and was another reason why I’m like, “I wouldn’t really look at MailChimp for real automation outgoing system like ActiveCampaign.” Again, the other ones that are out there. 

I think there was another question with regards to knowing who has downloaded things off your website. 

Denise: Yes. 

Jason: That’s a tricky one, because I don’t know all the details, but if you only have links on your website with a link directly to the report, you won’t know who’s downloaded because that’s one way.  

It’s a free for all and someone can just go, and they click on it and download it. If you want to know who has actually downloaded your reports, e-books, that’s when you’ll need to have some opt-in in the front of it. 

It’s the payment wall as you were where someone has to put in their name and email address to get that report, and if you have that set up, then you can then track to see who exactly has downloaded which report, et cetera. Then you can have your nurture sequences, et cetera, going from that. 

Denise: I think that‘s a really important point you mentioned that because I think one of the challenges for people is that, some of our competitors may go out there and say, “It’s amazing, you’ll get 500 leads from sending out an email campaign.” Or whatever. In practice, as we both know, that doesn’t actually work like that. But what is great to be able to do and that’s where things like, we’re not here to sell ActiveCampaign by the way, it’s just that is one that seems to work really well, is that, if it’s set up in such a way that you can use, are they called tags in ActiveCampaign, Jason? 

Jason: Yes. 

Denise: It may be if someone’s downloaded a report, it will tag that person as download one or whatever it might be or download CV if you sent a report out on that.  

Then that is really powerful information because that individual that John Smith has got an interest and you can then contact that person they can be followed up. I don’t if any of you have ever had a phone call from someone, you’ve downloaded a report, some of the American companies are incredibly slick at this. Suddenly you’ll get a phone call to say, “Hi, this is Keiran, can I help you, I notice that you downloaded our latest report.” That is quite impressive. 

Not saying you have to do it the same day but we use it in our own system. Andy, who’s our BD person, would pull off a list of people that he knows have downloaded different reports. If somebody’s downloaded a report on content marketing, there’s a fair chance that they’re interested in content marketing, or you might have a particular report about how to develop your finance career. 

And this is the power of automation, Jason, isn’t it? Because all of this is going on the background. If suddenly, you get a bee in your bonnet, and you’re on online at 10 o’clock at night, you download a report, the next morning, if you’re the recruiter that sees “John Smith has downloaded this report”, there’s a chance that person’s interested in and that’s how you can follow up. 

That’s why I think people forget about automation. Automation is going on in the background for you, but it’s delivering to you leads that then are more interested.  

Jason: Yes, it does, it can take a lot of the burden off you as well, again, depending on how you set up your marketing automation. When I said something like a sales funnel, that’s just more landing pages connected together. But for recruitment, it could be download your report; they go to a thank you page where you have a video, thanking them for downloading your report on how to create a CV, for instance. 

But then you could also have a link in there to say, “Book a call with one of our representatives or whatever, and we can help you build your CV,” or something along those lines. All of a sudden now, people are coming to you rather than you having to chase them. Done right, it can be very powerful. 

Denise: I’m a great believer in, call it blended marketing, old school and new school working together, because, cold calling still works, let me just be clear about that – it absolutely does. It also works really well when someone has been opening your emails; you definitely have a better chance of getting through to them on the phone. If they’ve been clicking links, then sometimes they’re, “I’ve been on your email list for a couple of years. I’m ready to move now.” I think that’s the difference where it’s always working in the background. 

Jason: Instead of them being a cold lead, they might not be a hot lead, but they’re definitely a lukewarm lead, and those again are still better than cold leads. 

Denise: I think as you said, I think it depends, how many times someone has opened an email or how many times someone has clicked a link and what’s amazing that software nowadays, it will actually give you like a lead score, depending on which system you’re using as well. The capabilities are amazing, but I always say to people, when it comes to automation, as you were saying before Jason, it’s about setting up a nurture sequence, isn’t it, really. 

Jason: Unfortunately, I’ve seen loads of people set up their landing page and maybe one email, thanking them for downloading the report with the link to the report and that’s where it ends. I’ll hold my hand up, I’ve done it as well. 

Denise: Me too. 

Jason: But you do need to have that nurture sequence because if you put all that hard work in creating your lead magnet, you want to have emails to make sure that people have either read it.  

In email three, you could reference something in the e-book; they’re like, “Hang on, I’ve missed that bit.” They go back to read it or, you can have that in your email sequence, but also making sure that you’re sending them at least maybe one email a week, an email every two weeks, but you still want to make sure that you’re still sending them emails, and not just the one email that you send out once in a blue moon.  

Because unfortunately, the way emails works nowadays, is they probably won’t see that one email that you sent three months ago, because if that’s the only email you’ve sent in the last six months, people now are receiving 50 to 100 emails a day. It’s probably got lost in there, so you do need to make sure that you are sending them regular emails in a nurture sequence just to make sure that you are still appearing in their inbox. 

Denise: I think Jason’s a real ninja at this and he does it for us. You can even do it to a point where if somebody actually hasn’t clicked the link to download the report, you will know that. You can actually send them a reminder because we’re the best around the world, we all have busy lives. Jason’s got a couple of children. Imagine you download a report, and suddenly somebody’s screaming in the background, and you need to go and handle it, and then you forget that you’ve not downloaded the link. Sometimes it’s good to have a reminder to say, “Hey Jason, did you download that report?” 

Automation can do all of that for you and continue to nurture. I know Sharon’s done quite a lot of videos recently about the buyer’s cycle, and the whole point of nurture is there’s always some people that are ready to buy. Now their pain point has got to a point where it’s painful. They might have no clients, they need more candidates, whatever that might be, and they’re ready to act now. 

That is where sending an email, they may respond straight away, but others might just be interested. They might be just shopping around, having a look to see, “Do I want to move companies or not?” We’ve had people on our email list; in fact, we’re working with somebody at the moment. They’ve been on our email list for five years. Suddenly now, we’re ironically in the middle of COVID as well; we’re working with that individual now. 

It’s not been something where we’ve been chasing him, we’ve had to chase him. He’s been there, and he’s been nurtured. We have that all the time, people said, “When I’m ready to work with the company, I’m going to come back to you.” You probably have the same as well. 

JasonSome people have been on the list for years. All of a sudden they come to you. They might not be reading every email that you sent out, but your name is always there. Subconsciously, you’re still working them. When they do finally make a decision, your name is at the top of the list without them even realizing. 

Denise: All that’s been working in the background while you’ve been billing or you’ve been managing your team or opening a new office somewhere in a new county, whatever that might be.  

Where Can People Find Out More About You and Your Services? 

I’ve mentioned quite a lot of different things here. I know that some people will be keen maybe to talk to you about if you could help them. Do you want to talk a little bit about where people can find you and some of the services that you offer, Jason, as well? 

Jason: People can just go to My services and some of the stuff that I do is on there. If you just go to the contact form there, you can fill that in and send that to me, or you can just go and email our and just let me know how I can help you. Now, the different services that I provide, it can be quite wide-ranging. I’ve built websites for clients, membership sites. 

Recently, especially at the moment, I’ve been helping people with their online marketing, making sure that their landing pages are all set up. I do have what I call our packages. They are going to be rebranded to online marketing – tech without trauma. You don’t want trauma when you’re setting those things up. 

Denise: That’s the word that often goes with technology. 

Jason: It can be. I work with tech every day, and sometimes I feel like I’ve had enough. I have our packages that people can buy, and they can then be used for anything, really, from training, I’ve done training with clients as part of those packages, implementation, so actually building the landing pages and setting up the autoresponders, making sure that they’re connected, tested so that when you start promoting and all of that everything works for you. Even recently, I’ve even started doing a little bit of video editing and that type of stuff as well. Those are probably my most popular services because people can get quite a lot out of them. 

Denise: Jason’s even helped me with websites. A couple of months ago, in the middle of lockdown, everything else was happening, we had a malware attack with another site of ours, and Jason sorted it all out. I was like, “Oh my God.” It’s just like everything goes wrong, doesn’t it, at once, and Jason’s sorted this. You do build websites as well, don’t you? 

Jason: Yes, I do. 

Denise: If people are interested in that as well, but obviously with tech and automation. Thank you for coming today and answering some questions. 

Jason: My pleasure. 

Denise: People who want to know more about Jason, If you forget his name, then just email either Sharon or I, and we’ll set up an introduction for you. He’s the guy if you want to really start getting things moving forward. Thank you for coming on today and sharing some of your knowledge and wisdom. 

Jason: Thank you very much. I’ve really enjoyed it. 


For more information about marketing your recruitment company, head to our blog to read our latest blog posts by clicking here, or click here for our range of free resources so you can start marketing your recruitment company more effectively today.  

ThatDenise Oyston from Superfast Recruitment. 

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