What Is Evergreen Content?




(Prefer to read? Here is the transcription. Please excuse any typos.)


Imagine having a blog post on your website that literally gets thousands of visitors each year but more importantly, you can track the fact that people read that blog post and then pick up the phone and speak to you. Well, that is the subject of today’s podcast and it’s all about evergreen content. So let’s get into it.


Well Hi there listeners! This is Denise from Super Fast Recruitment and as always you can download this podcast from our website and you can also read the transcription as well which is over there depending on whether you are listening on iTunes or not. So let’s get into this – evergreen content.




We all know that content marketing works, it’s one of our main channels and it has proven to be a key channel for a lot of the recruitment companies we are working with. So how does it all work and what’s this evergreen content that we’re talking about? So head over to Wikipedia or wherever you want to and have a look at the phraseology around what is evergreen and officially it is listed as ‘retaining freshness or interest over time’ and that is exactly what your blog posts can do.


Now I think I mentioned before about having a conversation with one particular recruiting company director who said “I don’t want to have anything about CVs. I don’t want to have anything about interview questions.” And I gave you my thoughts on that which was different to his because that is a great example of evergreen content. It’s basically content on your website that is not going to go out of date and it’s always going to be of use.




Above are samples of evergreen content from our website. 


No matter how long we are on this planet, if you are a recruiter then it is highly likely that your candidates are still going to be interviewed at some point in time. Somebody is going to ask them some questions to see whether they’re suitable for the job and an ideal piece of content for you to help them with would be ‘how to handle an interview’, ‘how to prepare for an interview’, ‘what clothes to wear’. The whole kit and caboodle if you like. That would be a great example of evergreen content.


If you like, it’s that set it and forget style of content. Now so it’s that basic style of content that you’re going to have that people who are visiting your website are always going to find of interest. And you can actually find if you go to Google Analytics you can see what’s being constantly viewed. So it’s thinking about your candidates. It’s going to be around ‘preparing for an interview’, ‘how to write a great CV’, ‘how to be confident’, ‘how to go along to an interview well-prepared’. So it’s all about this type of thing.


For your clients it might be around ‘how do you write a great job spec’, again it could be ‘what are the best interview questions’, ‘what are the best interview formats to bring out the best from a candidate’. So it’s all that sort of evergreen content that you can actually share.


So for instance on our website evergreen content would be around, marketing planning, marketing strategy, all of those sort of key elements that anyone that is ambitious and wants to grow their organisation wants to know about – ‘what the key marketing messages’, ‘how do I get this across’ and this is all evergreen content that will continue to work for us, ‘how do you start a recruitment business’, ‘how do you market a new recruitment business’, everyone that moves into recruitment is going to want to know that. It’s one of our most read posts.


how to market


So what could you do then? You’re going to write some good content and it can take different formats. I’ve already mentioned it could be ‘how tos – ‘how to be confident in an interview’, ‘how to create a compelling CV’, so it could be things like that. It could be resources so these would be examples of things that people could go away and research or be really useful for them – FAQs (frequently asked questions’, we have an FAQ on our website. It’s something that people look for in is read a lot.




Definitions – somebody’s going into a new market. Let’s for instance say that you are a recruiter working in the engineering sector then it could be engineering definitions because it may be that new recruits that are moving into engineering and they need to know some of the terminology that’s going to be really useful for them.


So what do you do then? So you’ve got this content that you’ve written some time ago and you want to make sure that it’s fresh and people can find it on your website. Well that’s pretty easy to do. You could do that ‘start here’ or ‘click here’ or you could do that little image of the right-hand side of your blog or something and it could be like ‘you’re most to read blog posts so click here to read the most read blog post’.


So it could be anything like that that you could have on your website. So it could be – ‘Want to know about interviewing? Is this the first time that you have gone for an interview in a couple of years? Click here.’; ‘Are you looking to create a new division in your sales team and would like some ideas and strategies? Click here.’ So it could be all of those things that you could do on your website. You can drive people to them.


You can have training guides. It could be a training guide for clients. It could be a training guide for candidates. So you can have lots and lots of information like that. That really is quite simply how evergreen content works. I would strongly recommend that you have evergreen content on your site and that you mix it up as well. You can have your evergreen content and then you have specific content that may be relevant or maybe you can get on the back of something that’s popular at any point in time. It could be like a popular TV program – ‘what game of thrones can teach us about recruiting or about engineering recruitment or whatever’. You could obviously use that but that is going to have a shelf life. I write content like that but I’m writing content all the time.




A few weeks ago I wrote some content around ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ and they do something else in the future. Something like ‘latest trends in XYZed’ or ‘latest trends in interviewing technology’. Well obviously that has a shelf life. So either going to need to be updated or will work for a certain time period and will attract that type of person. However, longer-term you want to have some of this good body of evergreen content available on your site that people can look at and then they can use as well.


Now do you ever have to update it? Well, yes sometimes you might have to depending on your sector. For instance with this new legislation, let’s say you are working in the finance sector then there may be something there that you want to add in. Of course what’s great about having a blog on your site particularly if you’re using WordPress is any point in time, you can just go in there, it’s like a word document and you just basically add your new content and you can even put footnotes or whatever and just click ‘update’ and there you are. It’s all saved for you.




I really encourage you to have some great evergreen content on your website and you’ll find that it will serve you well. We have one particular client… a particular blog post actually that we wrote for her has over time generated something like 6000 or 7000 views and it’s because it’s a very popular post. It’s something that people need to know about. So that that market is constantly going to keep coming to you and they are going to keep finding it.


Make sure you have really good content because then what happens is with all the social media and social sharing that goes on, people will share it. What’s also useful about having good content is simply when you’re having a conversation with somebody, if you know where that is on your website, you can say “Look I’m going to send this to you. I’ll send you a link to this. This will help you.” So you’ve got a candidate or whatever that’s coming to you, a bit nervous, you want to help them, then “We’ll actually I’ve got something on the website. Here I’m going to send it to you.” You could even, this is a big hint, you can even put it into a PDF that you can send to them. So evergreen content, big advocate of it, go for it and I’m looking forward to speaking to you soon! What are you waiting for? Get writing.





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Click To Tweet: [inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]Content marketing works, it’s one of our main channels and it has proven to be a key channel for a lot of the recruitment companies we are working with. – Denise Oyston[/inlinetweet]


This podcast was hosted by Denise Oyston. Follow us on Google+



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