Recruitment Marketing – 3 Ways To Grow Your Business Through Marketing




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Hi! This is Sharon Newey from Super Fast Recruitment and we’re just away at the moment in Turkey in a gorgeous setting, not that you can see much of it, but we just thought we’d do an al fresco quick video for you. So today I want to spend a couple of minutes talking about your marketing and the three key ways to grow any business. So as a recruitment business owner, when you think about growing a business, there are just three simple ways that you can grow.




The first is that you increase the number of clients and candidates that you have using your business. The second is that you increase the frequency at which clients use your services. And of course, the third one is that you increase your fees that you charge the clients.


Now the important thing about this is, depending on where you are in the life cycle of your business will determine which of those three strategies you should concentrate on to grow your business to the next level. If you’re a starting company in the early couple of years, you’re probably still wanting to increase the number of clients that you have and bring more candidates in.


If you’re a mature business and you have a huge database of clients you’ve worked with, maybe they’re not all active, maybe some are lapsed, then you might be wanting to look at getting those existing clients using your services more regularly and getting people who are lapsed clients working with you again as well.


recruitment business growth


You might even beyond that look at how, if you’re really specialising, you have a great reputation that you can begin to increase your fees and charge more. So it’s important depending on where you’re at in your business growth that you choose the right strategy.


Now the thing is, once you’ve chosen the right strategy, the kind of marketing activities that you then invest in can differ. So it’s really important to choose the right strategy then think about the right kind of marketing activities that will help you deliver on that strategy.


So as you are moving forward into the next 12 months, just think about how you want to grow your business, where you are at and choose one of those three key strategies then think about the different market activities that will help you deliver on well. This is Sharon Newey from Super Fast Recruitment on location in Turkey!


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Click To Tweet: [inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]Where you are in the life cycle of your business will determine which marketing strategies you should concentrate on to grow your business to the next level. – Sharon Newey[/inlinetweet]

Click To Tweet: [inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]Once you’ve chosen the right strategy, the kind of marketing activities that you then invest in can differ.[/inlinetweet]



This video was hosted by Sharon Newey. Follow us on Google+!



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