When I first started working as a sales representative many years ago, I was truly blessed. I worked for one of the biggest companies in a particular sub-sector of manufacturing and I learned a lot.
As I look back over the years, I realise how slick (in a positive what) they were. Sales and marketing worked like the proverbial well-oiled machine. We ‘sold’ a range of health care products that had a number of significant benefits that could drastically alter people’s lives; for the better.
Why it worked so well was because the sales and marketing team had identified what was important to customers about the products we were ‘selling’ and how to communicate their value.
At the time as a ‘green’ university graduate, I had no idea that this was a key part of the sales and marketing piece. It is known as a Value Proposition. In other words what value do you offer to your clients and candidates that would make them choose you and not another recruitment agency in your sector?
Below is an explanation of what information a great value proposition needs to:
• Explain how your product or service solves customers’ problems or improves their situation (relevancy)
• Deliver specific benefits (quantified value)
• Inform the ideal customer ( in our case candidates and clients)why they should buy from you and not from the competition (what makes you unique and distinctive)
Practical Value Proposition Example
Let me give you a practical example. At the moment, we are both travelling a lot and we needed an additional laptop. So now I am sitting here typing this article using a new Lenovo laptop.
The value proposition for me was simple. I needed something that was in stock, that was a PC with a brand name I recognised, that was lightweight. I walked into Currys PC World and on a display stand was an offer for a PC lightweight laptop that was in stock now; task achieved.
Admittedly this might, for some people be classed as a commodity purchase; yet the principle is the same. The value was clearly communicated according to what I or any business person who is on the move might need.
The question is does your online presence communicate your specific value to both clients and candidates in your sector?
We talk to many recruitment companies who have relevant benefits that they don’t communicate. Perhaps that rings a bell for you?
What you deliver for your ‘clients and candidates’ needs to come across in everything you communicate; particularly online or in any marketing collateral you produce that is part of your selling process.
So What Can You Do Now?
1. Find out what is pivotal to your clients and candidates about your recruitment service. Look back through your testimonials and pick out the themes.
2. Build this into your value proposition and communicate facts and figures that are important. Be as specific as you can e.g. speed, companies you have access to, your sector knowledge.
3. Communicate it! Put this on your website, on your business cards, brochures etc.
Creating a Value Proposition is one of the first things we do when we work with our clients who join Superfast Circle because we know the value it can bring; excuse the pun!
Saying you are a great recruitment company with exceptional customer service won’t cut it anymore. You need to stand out in your clients and candidates mind by demonstrating through your content and everything you do that you understand what they want and that you are the recruitment company that can deliver it too.
P.S. Do you want help to build your presence online and attract the candidates and clients- then create your value proposition now. If you want help get in touch here.