How To Use Your Content To Generate Leads Part 2





(This is a direct transcription please excuse any typing mistakes.)


In the previous video, we talked about content and how to use content marketing to drive traffic to your website, one thing I mentioned towards the end was how you can share that content. Today’s video is exactly how to get the most out of all the content you are creating.


Content Seo Crossword


So whether you decided to create your content externally or internally, you’ve got this body of content that you want to share and leverage as much as possible. Let’s look at some of the key things that you can do to make that happen.


Optimize for Google


First of all, that content can work for you from the search engine optimization point of view. With all the different times we are typing questions on how to do things, so it might be ‘How do I handle a counteroffer?’ Now somebody is searching for that. They could potentially find your article so it is working for you from an SEO point of view.


Social Media Sharing-LinkedIn

The second thing, of course, is the whole social media platform. Let’s talk about LinkedIn first. There are 3 different things you can do with your content on LinkedIn. You can put it into your own news feed of course. You can add it to LinkedIn Pulse which is on your profile. And of course, it makes sense to add it to your company page as well. So that’s LinkedIn. Of course, you can share it on your Facebook and Twitter.


Driving Paid Traffic


The final thing is people now are starting to look at how they can leverage their content by using paid sources of traffic. We are going to talk about that in more detail in a future video. It is one you should actually be considering.






Over here (on the left side) you will notice we’ve got our social share icons. If you find this content or these last 2 videos really valuable, we’d love you to share it. Share it on LinkedIn, share it on Facebook, or retweet it, we’d really appreciate it.


Think about all the different ways you can share the content that you are creating.


P.S. If you have realised that you don’t have enough content on your website, get in contact here; we can help.

This podcast was hosted by Sharon Newey. Follow us on Google+



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