I couldn’t resist sharing this video. It only takes a minute to watch 🙂
Umh how much do you know about your marketing channels and what they are or are not delivering ? I am sure many of us have fallen foul to continuing to invest in marketing activities that are no longer serving us; it can sometimes be a hard pill to swallow.
That brochure you send out once a year or that networking group you are a member of might feel good; yet is it producing the results you want. There are ways to find out and one of the simplest methods is to track everything you do and measure the outcomes.
1. Ask a simple five word sentence
For instance if anyone rings your agency do you have a process in place so you ask; “how did you find us ?” No judgement here, because most people never ask this question. Just recently we decided to increase the size of our team and decided to use an agency. Fascinating that not one of them asked how I found them. There was just an assumption. Assumptions are necessary sometimes in business and not when you want to measure the effect of your hard earned cash.
2. Plan act and analyse
We are big planners. It comes with the territory I guess and our experience over many years of what works. So in your marketing plan do you have reviews built in? Remember some activities take longer to bear fruit than others and it can be frustrating – keep with it though.
For example say you are targeting high level H.R. connections it is unlikely that a quick email will convert them by the end of the week. Though a consistent and thought through campaign just might. This will take longer to deliver results yet they are likely to be significantly better!
A side-note here. A good friend of ours is a H.R. director for a huge business (think household name). Her take is interesting; she likes people to,” keep in touch with potential suppliers” and lets see what happens. Do you think a regular useful email or a link to a blog post might build up some rapport and trust ? Yes.
Here is the gem in all this; if you are measuring everything you do you will know what is working.This will then help you decide on your activities and your timing. Using clients as an example; if you know that from, cold to sold, with a client takes about 6 months using X,Y,technique you have numbers you can work to. You will be aware how much each client is worth and what your financial goal is and then it a simple calculation. This will point you in the direction of where and how much you need to invest in your marketing.
Would you like some proof on how this can work for you ? OK look over the last year and the activities you have put in place. Map it out and look for the pattern. It just might surprise you.
Click To Tweet: [inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]If anyone rings your agency do you have a process in place so you ask How did you find us? – Denise Oyston [/inlinetweet]
Click To Tweet: [inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]Remember some activities take longer to bear fruit than others – keep with it. – Denise Oyston[/inlinetweet]
This podcast was hosted by Denise Oyston. Follow us on Google +
As an ambitious recruitment organisation, THE marketing strategy to master is email marketing. It will consistently deliver both candidates and clients.
In a special complimentary training Webinar, we give you the template for writing emails we use for our clients and the exact 4 campaigns that are working now.
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