7 Easy Steps To Get Your Content Shared




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Well, social selling is the big thing now online and it’s a great way to create awareness for your brand, bring potential candidates and clients into your marketing funnels, and generally profile you as the expert in your niche. One of the ways it works is if you can get your content created and shared. Now there are a number of ways that you can get it shared but fundamentally a great suggestion is to use certain words and phrases. So wouldn’t it be great for you to know what worked and what didn’t work? Well, that’s the subject of today’s podcast. So let’s get into it.


Well, Hi there listener and welcome to today’s podcast which is all about getting that lovely content that you’re creating or someone else is creating for you, shared and out there to be consumed by your potential audience whether that be candidates, clients, or talent if you wanted to bring talent into your organization as well.


What specifically should you be writing about and what should you be sharing? A recent study created by the team at CoSchedule reviewed what their current users were doing with regards to content and also looked at how this content was being shared and what were the similarities around it.


Now CoSchedule for those of you who don’t know is a posh little bit of software. It’s a WordPress plug-in actually that you can use and it helps to remind you to share content and schedule it and things like that. They did this main survey and they basically highlighted which content was being shared the most.


Surprise, surprise! There were certain similarities and it was around the words and phrases the people were using. Why do you want to get your content shared? Well, obviously the more people that can consume your content, the more people you are going to attract into your business. Google also loves social sharing. The more things are shared, the more easily your content gets ranked.



Create A List


Let’s go through 7 seven key phrases and how they were constructed and how they work. In number one is the lovely LIST. The title of this blog post is “7 Easy Ways To Get Your Content Shared” and of course I’m highlighting the figure. Whenever you highlight a figure within your blog post, that is likely to work.


Today one of our clients, we created some content for them and basically shared it through LinkedIn for them within their LinkedIn authorship. I won’t say the actual title but the figure 7 was very high within that title and the content was shared almost immediately.


There were a few other little things that we did as well. It was a good topic. It was very topical the moment and we shared that and again we used the list concept because people love lists. Why? Because they can consume it and they can consume it quite quickly.


So obviously were often drawn to “What are the 7 ways to do XYZ? What are the five ways… ? What are the 15 ways that I can get my blog posts shared on Facebook?” – whatever that might be for you. People love lists… very powerful. So get a “list title” within your blog post and always make sure you’re using the number rather than the word.


You and Your

you and yourThe next thing that you do is to personalize it more so talk about YOU and YOUR. That way, people aren’t interested in what’s going on for anyone else. They are only really interested about what’s going on for them and we’re coming onto that a little bit later with another key way to do this, but anything that is ‘you’ or ‘your’.  How to make your content stand out? How to make your interview presentation the best ever? So anything with ‘you’ or ‘your’, again it’s about personalization is more likely to get shared. I put this in the title for this particular blog post. So that’s ‘you’ and ‘your’.


Free Giveaway and Complimentary

freeThe next is the word FREE or the word GIVEAWAY. Would you want to put ‘free’ in your title? Sometimes it can work no matter how well-heeled our clients are, we all love something for nothing. So saying something in ‘free’ and another thing that I always suggest people to do is put it in brackets or parenthesis, it seems to work really when you do that as well. Anything like ‘free’ or ‘giveaway’ or ‘complimentary’ as well, that’s something else that works really well.



How To?

howtoIn 4, we’ve got HOW TO. How to do X; How to write a blog post; How to attract candidates; How to attract clients; How to increase my fees; How to place more candidates. Anything that has a ‘how to’ is always interesting for people. People want to know how and there are some interesting facts around this.


Some studies were done some time ago by a chap that looked at how we actually process information and what is it that we are really keen to look at and you’ll notice that this happens a lot with people that create content. A lot of people want to know ‘How do I do it?’ They want to know ‘why do I do it?; What are the implications of doing that?; Where else might I use that?’ People are motivated by different things and how to is a big one so that’s in at number 4.



diyNumber 5 is D.I.Y. because people love to pay for a service provider but also there’s something… that innate will inside us that do-it-yourself… you know, ‘do-it-yourself content marketing, do-it-yourself web design, do-it-yourself candidate attraction. There something about that phrase D.I.Y. because we all want to feel that we are really good at everything. That works really well as well so that could be something you might want to consider with your titles.


Its all about Me

imemyThe next one does relate to number 2 where we are talking about you and your. It’s I, ME or MY – ‘My top strategies for attracting talent’, or it might be ‘I never realized this strategy could work so well in my business.’ So you are personalizing it again, people are interested “I wonder what she did then.” “I wonder what he did.” So that’s a really top one.



easyThe final one that gets shared so often particularly with anything to do with online is that lovely word EASY. So “7 Easy Ways To Get Your Content Shared” – great phrase. Everyone wants something that’s easy. We don’t like to be having anything that’s too complicated so that phrase, put that in a blog post and that will potentially get shared more and people are going to read it because people are looking for an easy way to do things.


So that is today’s podcast for you and we’re looking at some research from CoSchedule and what you need to do to help get your content shared apart from asking people to share it as well… that’s always a good one. If you liked this, please share it for us on the different social media and spread it out, share the love and we will be eternally grateful. So as always you can access this podcast download on our website  superfastrecruitment.co.uk/blog and there will also be a transcription there. So this is Denise saying bye for now!


This podcast was hosted by Denise Oyston. Follow us on Google+



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