Why You Are Losing The Real Placements You Want


It’s been an amazing week.

Hot weather in the UK (most unusual) and the boys #England winning a penalty shootout (even more unusual) in the World Cup.

Everyone in the UK is praying for something similar on Saturday #sorry #Sweden I digress….

What is the marketing lesson then….? hang on.

They Can’t Hear What You Are Saying

Last night England played a match shown by ITV.  The adverts in-between various parts of the game I suspect cost a fortune.

Though I have to say I was impressed.

The company in question certainly knew their target market and avatar and how to speak to them.

I suspect you might want to know what it was?

Cider targeted at British men…. who knew that men, cider and football had a connection!

It is unusual for great targeting like this to happen.

So often in both the B2C and B2B sector companies get targeting wrong. This is backed up by Accenture’s Living Business report that Econsultancy shared on Monday this week.

Companies in the UK are struggling to keep up with consumer needs, which could potentially result in huge losses if the situation continues. This part of the report comes from a survey of 1,000 C-level executives.

Accenture also states that 55% of UK consumers typically switch companies that no longer meet their needs, and 47% get frustrated when companies fail to use their personal information to make interactions and offers more relevant…. be warned!

Once they are gone, more than one quarter of those consumers are unlikely to return. As a result, it is predicted that companies could lose up to £107 billion in revenue.

In contrast to this, the report suggests that companies that have a deep understanding of customers’ changing digital needs and preferences are better able to identify areas ripe for disruption and growth!

Now, this might sound a little complex, and it really isn’t.

Earlier on this week, we were talking about Facebook advertising versus emails for one of our clients on our Superfast Circle call.

We did a quick analysis live on the video call about their avatar and identified the exact channel and message to use.

All it takes is some thought and communication.

How To Get Started Speaking To Your Market

Logically are they candidates or clients or talent?

I know there is mingling and at least start with their initial relationship with you.

Let’s assume we are taking candidates here.

First, let’s consider two critical areas.

  • Demographic data
  • Psychographic data

Think thing like; age, sex, where they live. Don’t shoot the messenger and men and women have differences in the way they think and what is important to them.

Which leads onto what is important to them, what keeps them up at night, what do they want help with?

What websites do they follow, what books do they read….?………….. the list goes on.

This will provide you with data that can completely alter what you say in your conversations and your emails.

It’s crucial to both attract and repel different people that land on your website or upload their CV.

What Next?

Take action….. now.

Are your conversations and emails bland and vanilla? Is your marketing one size fits all? It doesn’t have to be this way.

In this short, simple post, we have given you something to consider already. Want more help? Then get in touch by emailing us here.

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